Monday 15 June 2009

Bing - a rival for google?

It's reported that Microsoft will spend $80 million to get us to try its new search engine, to be called "Bing." Could that possibly work?

Think about it!

Google is more than just a habit. Google has our IDs, customizes our searches, searches our desktops and our email and delivers neatly integrated Maps, reviews, and video searches. It works. There is every reason to stay and no reason to leave. But $80 million buys enough impressions to get people to try something new.

But here are the facts:

Bing overtook Yahoo! as the number two search engine in the United States and worldwide on Thursday, June 4th.

Google had a commanding lead in the U.S. search engine market on Thursday with 71.47%. Yahoo! moved into third place with 10.22% while Microsoft’s Bing was able to grab 16.28%.
Though Microsoft’s Bing moved into the number two spot globally as well on Thursday it did so by a very narrow margin. Bing had 5.62% of the market compared to Yahoo! which had 5.13%. worldwide. Google dominated with a global market share of 87.62%.

The only way to see what will happen, try it out and review on twitter. You can bet that Microsoft will be tweeting for all their worth in the next few weeks.

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