Thursday 18 March 2010

Does your website work? Here's how you can become brilliant at marketing your website.

"If you build it, they will come" does not apply to Web sites. Marketing your Web site is as important if not more important as designing it . An easy question to ask but a hard question to answer about your website is:- DOES MY WEBSITE WORK FOR MY BUSINESS?

Most companies have a website, but very few of them use their website to their fullest potential. What is the fullest potential? - Brilliance.

Most people think they are too busy to even try and be brilliant at marketing, but if we need to be more creative we have to find the time. They think they don't have the skills to market their business or website, but it's not about skill, it's a mindset thing. All you need to do is find ways of maximising the stimuli to create brilliance. By creating brilliance you will gain the attention of all your distracted and over stimulated consumers.

Working out how to get your target market to do and think something they otherwise wouldn't have thought about or done is simple and brilliant, how do you do this? By looking at your website through your customers' eyes, As the saying goes, if you want to understand a Red Indian, spend a day walking in their moccasins. Always make sure that you have answered the question, What's in it for my customer?

The trouble is it's often hard to distance yourself, we get totally pre-occupied with the product (i.e. the feature). We often forget that our customers are far more interested in the benefits - people buy benefits and not features. Work out how you can demonstrate those benefits through your website and you're winning all the way to the bank.

Typically I see a lot of websites that don't work. The owners think that they do work, in fact they are usually extremely proud of their website, they like the way it looks, they like the way it sounds and they like what it has to say about their business. The trouble is they are not buying their products or services, their customers are and their prospects and these are the people who are important. Your customers are the people who need to like your website and understand it's message. If I asked you "How's your website working for your business?" would you know the answer? Would it surprise you to know that 95% of people would not know the answer to that question.

Marketing a website has never been more important because business has never been so competitive, especially now in these uncertain economic times, but it's a task that's so often overlooked, forgotten or just too big to take on, especially if you're a small business or working alone.

Over the next few weeks I'm going to be posting some articles about how to be brilliant at marketing a website. It's not about employing someone to market your website. It's not about how much money it will take to market a website. It's not about a theory. It's about giving you the tools so that you can learn how to be brilliant, why internet marketing is changing and most of all about understanding your customers and how consumers use the internet.

If you'd like to receive email updates when I post these articles, just let me know by emailing me at and as every if you need any advice, call me - it's free to chat.
Telephone: 01625 821072

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