Friday 5 February 2010

Google Analytics - Don't Miss Out

Question: Are you using your analytics to full potential? Are you even using Analytics? Do you know what it is?

Answer: Google analytics is a free programme provided by our friends at Google that can show you who is using your website and how they use it.

Using Analytics you an get instant information about:
The number of peope who use your website
What they do when they are on your website
Where they go and how they surf your website

You can then use this information to optimise your website and define internet marketing objectives.

Some of the most critical data that you can analyse with Analytics are:

How many people visit your website per month, week, day & hour.

What pages have these people viewed in order of popularity.

How did people find your website, search engine, a referring site or a direct request using your domain name.

What keywords / key-phrases did these people use to find your website.

What length if time did each of your visitors spend on your website.

What page acted as the entrance for these people and what page did they exit on.

You can extract a lot of technical data, what operating system are they using, what web browser are they using, what screen resolution are your visitors using.

You can easily see the value that this type of data will afford your business. You can start to use this data to make simple changes to your website that will make it more profitable.

You can create links to cross promote services and products, you can position offers and deals on popular exit pages to retain your visitors etc.

Your analytics are the most integral element of continued success on the internet. So what are you waiting for......

If you need some help or advice call us's free to chat!

Tel: 01625 821072

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